Sommaire des Matières pour Clarke Technology ALTO DTV-7
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All directions given in this book are as seen from the operator’s position at the rear of the machine. For new books write to: ALTO U. S. Inc., 2100 Highway 265, Springdale, Arkansas 72764. 1998 CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Form No. 78421B 12/98 Printed in the U.S.A.
Stainless & Poly Tank Asm. Drawing & Parts List PTV-10 ..25 Head Assembly Drawing & Parts List STV-15 ......26 Stainless Tank Assembly Drawing & Parts List STV-15 .... 27 Squeege Tool and Floor Brush Tool Assemblies ....... 28 Page -2- CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual DTV, STV & PTV...
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Instrucciones sobre 230 V. - Fuente de engergía eléctrica & polo de tierra ..................13 Preparcin de la maquina para trabajar ........15 Puesta en marcha de la maquina ..........15 Mantenimiento ................16 Page -3- CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual DTV, STV & PTV...
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Instructions 230 V - Alimentation et mise à la terre ........13 Préparation de la machine avant la mise en service ........ 15 Mise en service de la machine ..............15 Maintenance .................... 16 Page -4- CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual DTV, STV & PTV...
WARNING: Moving parts of this machine can cause injury and/or damage. Keep hands, feet, loose clothing, hair, fingers, and all parts of the body away from openings and moving parts. Page -5- CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual DTV, STV & PTV...
No opere esta máquina hasta que esté totalmente ensamblada. Inspeccione la máquina cuidadosamente antes de operarla. Usela sólo como se describe en este manual. Use sólo los accesorios recomendados por Clarke. Page -6- CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual DTV, STV & PTV...
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• No aspire objetos incandescentes tal como cigarillos, cerillas o cenizas calientes. • Ponga todos los mandos en la posición 'O' antes de desconectar el aparato de la toma de la red. Page -7- CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual DTV, STV & PTV...
Risque de court-circuit si les composantes électriques de la machine ont été exposées à l’humidité ou immergées. Veiller à ce que les composantes électriques soient toujours parfaitement sèches. Essuyez la machine après chaque utilisation. Entreposez la machine dans un local sec. Page -8- CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual DTV, STV & PTV...
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• Ne pas aspirer d'objets incandescents tels que des cigarettes, des allumettes ou des cendres chaudes. • Mettez toutes les commandes sur <<O>> avant de déconnecter l'appareil de la prise réseau. Page -9- CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual DTV, STV & PTV...
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Have worn, cut or damaged cords and plugs replaced by an authorized ser- vice person. Vis de fixation La prise doit étre reliée à la terre. Broche de terre Figura 3 Page -10- CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual DTV, STV & PTV...
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Si le câble d’alimentation est usé, endommagé ou entaillé, PRECAUCION: Pida el reemplazo de faites-le remplacer cualquier cable gastaddo, immédiatement par un cortado o dañado a una per- technicien agréé. sona autorizada. Page -11- CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual DTV, STV & PTV...
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Shake the filter bag to remove dust. In a few minutes the thermal overload will allow restarting of the motor. Fiche Européene Encoches latérales pour mise á la terre Figure 6 Page -12- CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual DTV, STV & PTV...
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- En unos minutos, el regulador automático de - Après quelques minutes, le thermique se remet à sobrecarga térmica le permitirá al motor volver zéro, ce qui permet de redémarrer le moteur. a ponerse en marcha. Page -13- CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual DTV, STV & PTV...
Stop the machine when the efficiency of the machine decreases. Remove the foam, liquid, dirt and carpet fibers from the tank and the filter bag. When necessary, stop and dry the filter bag, or use a new bag. Page -14- CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual DTV, STV & PTV...
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Si encuentran dentro del depósito. Si es necesario, pare nécessaire, arrêtez la machine et nettoyez le sac-filtre ou remplacez-le. la máquina y limpie la bolsa-filtro o cámbiela. Page -15- CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual DTV, STV & PTV...
8. Replacer le couvercle sur le réservoir. la tapa. 9. Replacer les crochets sur le bord du couvercle 10. Abate las dos empuñaduras de bloqueo 10. Rabattre les deux poignées de verrouillage laterales. latérales. Page -16- CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual DTV, STV & PTV...
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DTV-7, STV-10, PTV-10. and STV-15 Section II Parts and Service Manual (Form. No. 78421B) Page -17- CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual DTV, STV & PTV...
NOTE: For best operation, have the machine checked by a Clarke authorized repair person every 12 months. For safe operation and longer life of your product, use Figure 3 Clarke parts. Page -18- CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual DTV, STV & PTV...
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Para un uso seguro de la máquina y para alargar la vida durée de vie de votre produit Clarke, n’utilisez que des útil de su producto Clarke, sólo use piezas originales pièces d’origine Clarke. Clarke. Page -19- CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual DTV, STV & PTV...
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924007 Nut, 3mm 30u 54340A Gasket, Head 59887A Wire, Connect 52944A Clip NI = Not illustrated NOTE: u indicates a change has been made since last publication of this manual. Page -20- CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual DTV, STV & PTV...
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Customer Service Headquarters and Factory +46 31 706 73 00 2100 Highway 265 Springdale, Arkansas 72764 ALTO Norge A/S, Oslo (Norway) (501) 750-1000 Bjornerudveien 24 N-1266 Technical Service +47 2275 1770 1-800-356-7274 Page -29- CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Operator's Manual DTV, STV & PTV...
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If difficulty develops with the product, you should: (a). Contact the nearest authorized Clarke repair location or contact the ALTO, CLARKE TECHNOLOGY Service Operations Department, 2100 Highway 265, Springdale, Arkansas 72764, for the nearest authorized Clarke repair location.