taBLe OF cOntentS
traInInG | traInInG SOFtware
Welcome to the fi rst crosstrainer that really understands you.
With the KETTLER SKYLON S you have purchased one of the
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most modern training systems, which combines training ex-
pertise with ground-breaking ease of use. It's so simple that
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you actually don't really need these operating instructions
for your workout. We do recommend, however, that you take
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a few minutes for these short instructions, if only to fi nd out
more about the possibilities of the new S-FIT technology and
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our KETTFIT training community.
And when you connect your new KETTLER SKYLON S to your
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smartphone for the fi rst time, you enter a whole new world
of home fi tness - smart training, simply fi t.
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GOLd FOr the kettLer SkYLOn S
ISPO Award Gold Winner 2013