5b. Pressurise to recommended mounting pressure,
which should be held for approx. 5-10 seconds.
When pressurising, the pressure will increase step by step
because the piston inside ETP-HYLOC moves gradually.
normal mountInG Pressure:
100 mPa = 1000 bar = 14500 Psi.
maX. alloWeD mountInG Pressure:
120 mPa = 1200 bar = 17400 Psi.
6. Open the pressure-reducing valve at the pump.
(The pressure in the hoses falls).
7. Disconnect the hoses and reattach the protective caps
of the quick connections. These must always be fitted to
protect ETP-HYLOC against contamination.
ETP-HYLOC is now ready for operation in the machine.