ENGLISH – Rolling screen installation and operation manual
WARNING: When installing the screen use plugs and screws suitable for the screen's weight and for the type of wall or ceiling on which the mount brackets are to be fixed, based on the
following criteria
Screen width view area up to cm
Overall weight
1. Fasten the brackets to the wall or ceiling, respecting the distances
indicated in the figure (the third bracket is present only in versions over
3m long).
2. Mount the screen by hooking the brackets into the dedicated slots.
3. Tighten the lower screw of the bracket until the case is firmly anchored
(it is not necessary to exert any force).
4.To execute "compulsorily "the procedures described to point 2 before
using the screen.
Made by Adeo Screen Sp. Z o.o. (Poland) Specifications are subject to change without notice. E&OE