Store and transport all of the individual parts in the case which is supplied. When you do this,
make sure that the atomizer and the cartridge (mouthpiece) remain plugged into each other.
If the product should stop working properly, fi rst check whether you are able to correct the
problem yourself. If you are not, contact the customer service. Do not try to repair a faulty
product yourself!
The cigarette does not work. /
No vapour is produced.
The cigarette "whistles".
The charge level indicator (fake
fi re) on the front of the battery
fl ashes or is only weakly lit.
The control lamp on the USB
adapter is lit up continuously
during charging.
Possible cause/solution
The battery is empty. Charge up the battery (see the
"Charging up the Battery" chapter).
The cartridge (mouthpiece) has been changed or the cig-
arette has not been used for some time. In both cases, it
is possible that little or no vapour will be produced when
you take the fi rst drags. This is because the cigarette
needs to be "smoked in", i. e. the atomizer needs to be
warmed up. After a few drags, the cigarette should work
without any problems.
The cartridge (mouthpiece) is empty. Detach the old
cartridge from the atomizer and plug a new cartridge
onto the atomizer (see the "Assembling the Cigarette"
The atomizer is polluted. Place the atomizer overnight
in a cola bath and then rinse it with clear, warm water.
The atomizer is defect. Order a new atomizer from our
customer service or at www.clever-smoke.de.
When you take a drag on the cigarette, the sucking in of
air may produce "whistling noises". This is normal and
does not indicate a malfunction.
The battery is almost empty and needs to be charged up
(see the "Charging up the Battery" chapter).
When the battery is fully charged up, the charge level
indicator (fake fi re) will go out. The control lamp on the
USB adapter light up continuously when it si connected
to the mains power.