Main Features & Performance
Puxos Box Mod key features
Output Modes
Output power
Temperature Range
Resistance range
Electric voltage
Charging current
Appropriate batteries
Thread type
The device is equipped with rechargeable 18650/20700/21700 high-current batteries.
Please use an external device to charge the batteries.
Watts | Voltage | Bypass | TC (Ni, Ti, SS) |
TCR (M1, M2, M3) | CPS (C1, C2, C3)
1 to 80 or 100 watts (depending on battery)
100°C to 315°C | 200°F to 600°F
0.1 ohm to 3.5 ohm
0.1 V to 8.4 V
max. DC 5V/1A
high-current 18650/20700/21700 batteries (≥ 25A)
85 mm x 41 mm x 27 mm