Lo Gain
+4 dBu
-10 dBV
At +4 dBu a headroom of 9 dB offers a problem-free operation with most devices and
most standards. At -10 dBV 12 to 15 dB headroom are common practise, each mixing
desk operating at -10 dBV is able to send and receive much higher levels. Lo Gain lets
you work with high levels. It is best suited for professional users who prefer to work
balanced and at highest levels.
Analog Outputs
The 8 short circuit protected, low impedance and servo balanced line outputs are
available as (stereo) 1/4" TRS jacks and 25 pin D-sub jack. Both are internally con-
nected, and - in contrary to the inputs - can be used simultaneously. The electronic
output stage is built in a servo balanced design which handles monaural and stereo
jacks correctly. When used unbalanced it automatically corrects the gain by 6 dB.
The 25-pin D-sub connector follows the pinout known from devices manufactured by
Tascam. Refer to chapter 10 for a pinout listing. We do not recommend to make such a
cable by yourself, as it is extremely difficult to integrate 8 balanced lines into a small D-
sub housing without short circuits. Your dealer will be glad to provide you with a pro-
fessional Tascam multicore, D-sub to XLR, made in the length of your choice.
To maintain an optimum level for devices connected to the analog outputs the Nu-
endo 8 I/O 96k includes electronic switches of the newest technology, which intro-
duce no additional noise or distortion to the audio path. The key OUTPUT LEVEL
allows to change the output level of all 8 channels simultaneous to the most often
used -10 dBV and +4 dBu.
Each analog output has its own 'Signal Ok' LED, so a signal at the analog outputs is vis-
ually indicated. The green LED begins to light at -40 dBFS in an analog fashion
(brighter at higher levels).
0 dBFS @
+19 dBu
+13 dBu
+2 dBV
15 dB
9 dB
12 dB
NUENDO 8 I/O 96k
Inputs and Outputs