Tablet/smartphone preparation:
1. Install the Z21 app from the App Store or Play Store.
2. Launch the Z21 app and open the „Schienenfahrzeuge" [Rail Vehicles] settings menu.
3. Select „+" – „Kamera-Lok" [Camera Locomotive] – „Kamera-ICE" [Camera ICE].
Note: The necessary „Direktsteuerung" [Direct Control] is already active in the „Konfigu-
riere Videolok" [Configure Video Locomotive] field. The camera ICE can be programmed
in this menu.
1. Place the ICE on the track.
2. Connect the switching power supply to the siding. In doing so, please observe the en-
closed quick start-up instructions.
3. Connect with the locomotive (Host Mode):
The locomotive makes a network available approx. 15 seconds after you have switched
the track power on. The name and the password of the network can be found on both the
underside of the locomotive as well as in the locomotive box.
4. Launch the Z21 app and switch to control mode (play button).
5. Activate the video image using the regulator accessible via the camera symbol.
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21.08.2015 13:58:57