Download synchronization software
Android Phones
Download the application FunDo Smart Device from your Android application
download platform, Play Store, or scan the QR code from the box. Download
the application to sync it with your Android phone. This application is used
only to sync the watch with your phone, it won't consume mobile data.
If the related software has finished downloading, check the version and use
the most recent sync software available to ensure it is working correctly.
Update the sync software each time there's a new version.
Download the application Fundo Smart Device from your IOS application
download platform, App Store, or download it by scanning the BIDI code from
the box and install it.
Bluetooth connectivity and synchronization feature
From the telephone to the watch
Configure for the watch: activate Bluetooth, search for devices and select
"pair device" when "SW21 Prixton" is found, accept it on the telephone as well
to complete the connection.
Select "yes" when you receive a contact list request. Furthermore, it's better to
choose "don't remind again", so that this won't appear every time the
connection is made.
Note: The synchronization software can open the application if it's already
installed and accessible. The mobile phone will indicate when the Bluetooth
connection has been established after 2 to 5 minutes. The watch will also
notify about the Bluetooth connection. At this time synchronization will be
activated. Messages received by the telephone will sync with the watch.
From the watch to the phone
Access the watch with Dial Bluetooth, press Search for new device. Once
your telephone has been found (e.g., Samsung S5), select connect. The rest
of the process is the same as described in point 4.3.1.
Charge the battery fully before using the watch. Charging time is around one
Use included accessories or those from your Android phone.
Bluetooth can't be disconnected once the devices are out of range. After
activating the anti-loss feature, the search feature won't be available until the
Bluetooth connection is re-established.
If at any time the Bluetooth connection is lost, re-establish it again. You must
accept contact synchronization to be able to access your contacts on the
If when playing music, some of the names are not displayed. This is normal
and due to the internal functioning of Android.