Si la connexion est perdu alors ce logo apparait
Visulisation depuis un navigateur Web
Pour Windows
First, please follow the IP camera wizard from step 1 to step 7. You can open the remote URL
in step 7 to view the camera from Internet.
If it failed in step 6, please refer to attached list and forward the camera's port to the router
Notice &
If DDNS still appears failed, please update DDNS to to have a try.
If DDNS shows succeed and you still can not view the camera through the Internet URL,
please try the Internet access URL in another network since some routers do not support
If there are two or more routers and two or more WAN, there should be multi-time port
forwarding. Please contact your ISP or network administrator.
For 3G and 4G routers, please confirm with your ISP whether you are able to forward
your camera to Internet. There is no possible for most 3G and 4G routers to get Internet
access authority.
There is little possibility that your ISP might not be able to offer the Internet access
authority. Please confirm this with your ISP.
For Mac
Double confirm whether your camera's DDNS setting succeed or not.