Technical Data
Power consumption
Max. boiler effi ciency
Return temperature
Working temperature
Ambient temp.
Max. working pressure
Thread standard
Circulating pumps
Material, valve body
Material, insulation
For a trouble free system the piping work must be done without air
pockets. If this is not possible the system must be fi tted with air vents.
Several boilers have integrated thermostats for pump control. If
not, a fl ue gas thermostat must be installed. The circulation pump
should start at the same time as the fi ring. The pump should stop
soon after the fi re has gone out to let the remaining hot water in
the boiler self-circulate to the storage tank.
The pump speed is set with the knob.
Function of the backflow preventer
LK 810 ThermoMat 2.0 W Eco loading unit has, depending on
model, a backfl ow preventer which automatically opens for self-
circulation when the pump stops. The backfl ow preventer has the
following functions:
1. After the fi re has gone out and the circulating pump has stop-
ped the remaining hot water will selfcirculate to the storage tank.
2. In case of power failure the hot water will self-circulate to
the tank.
3. It prevents backfl ow from storage tank to heating boiler.
The function of the backfl ow preventer can, if needed, be blocked.
The backfl ow preventer is then replaced by a plug LKA
187 022. See page 11, part 9.
Pipe dimensioning between heating boiler and storage tank:
LK 810 ThermoMat 2.0 W Eco loading unit with Rp 1" ball
valves. For heating boilers up to 50 kW ..... DN 25
LK 810 ThermoMat 2.0 W Eco loading unit with 28 mm ball
valves. For heating boilers up to 50 kW .... CU 28
LK 810 ThermoMat 2.0 W Eco loading unit with Rp 1¼"
ball valves. For heating boilers up to 65 kW .... DN 32
230 VAC 50 Hz
Max. 75 W
depending on pump speed
65 kW at 20°C ΔT
55°C, 60°C, 65°C or 70°C
Min. +5°C/Max. +95°C
Min. +5°C/Max. +60°C
0.6 MPa (6 bar)
Water - Glycol mixture max. 50%
Rp - female thread
Wilo Yonos PARA */7,5 RKC FS 14
Brass EN 1982 CB753S
Expanded Polypropylene EPP
1. Heat up phase
The water circulates between boiler and loading
unit while the temperature of the boiler is rising.
2. Loading phase
The thermostatic element starts to open and allows
return water from the storage tank to be mixed with
supply water before it returns to the boiler. The return
temperature to the boiler is kept constant.
3. End phase
The thermostatic element is fully open and the
bypass is closed. This results in an optimal transfer
of heat from the boiler and the storage tank is filled
with supply water.
4. Self-circulation with check valve
Self-circulation will be obtained as soon as the fire
has gone out and the circulating pump has stopped.
The remaining hot water is loaded to the storage
tank. In case of power failure or pump breakdown
the check valve automatically opens to allow self-
circulation. The check valve also stops recirculation
from storage tank to boiler.