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Thunderbolt and the Thunderbolt logo are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. this document are for reference and may not fully represent the real product. AKiTiO assumes no responsibility for any loss of data or files.
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LED Indicator - Indicador LED - LED-Anzeige - Voyant DEL 燈號說明 - 灯号说明 - LED 표시등 - LED 灯 10G/5G/2.5G/1G/100M Base-T Link Speed Indicator Link Activity Indicator 10G = Orange Flashing green = Network activity Naranja Verde intermitente = Actividad de la red Orange Grün blinkend = Netzwerkaktivität Orange...
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켜집니다.이 장치는 구형 Thunderbolt 및 Thunderbolt 2 컴퓨터에서 사용할 수 없습니다. 本製品はバスパワー駆動ですので、 サンダーボルトケーブルが接続され、 なお、 コンピュータの電源が 入っている時にオンになります。 このデバイスは、 古いThunderboltおよびThunderbolt 2コンピュータ では使用できません。 Ethernet driver for Microsoft Windows IMPORTANT NOTICE Your PC may need updates for the Thunderbolt 3 ports to function properly. For more information go to Note for Mac users:
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Step 3 Step 4 Ethernet Cable Thunderbolt Cable A high quality Cat 6A Ethernet cable is recommended for distances up to 100 Always use the Thunderbolt cable that came included with your product to achieve meters. At shorter cable length, it's possible to use cables of lower grade (e.g. the best data transfer rates and to support bus power.