What types of batteries can I recharge?
You can recharge all types of 12 volt rechargeable batteries including lead-acid automotive batteries, deep cycle (traction
type) batteries, gel-cell batteries, and heavy duty (stationary type) batteries. When using the Solar Module to run
appliances on a regular basis, we recommend the use of deep cycle marine batteries which are designed to withstand
frequent charge and discharge cycles.
Can the Solar Module drain my battery at night?
Once the solar charge controller is installed there is no danger of reverse current, so you may leave your panel installed
Can the Solar Module overcharge my battery?
Yes, but only if used without the charge controller. That is why it is important to use a solar charge controller. Do not
connect the panel directly to the battery with wattages of 15Watts or higher. Always use in conjunction with an
appropriately sized solar charge controller.
Can I run my 110 volt appliances with my solar power system?
Yes. You can run your 110 volt appliances with the use of an inverter, which would attach to your battery to change the
battery's 12 volt (DC) energy into 110 volt (AC) or 220 volt (AC). Inverter is not included.
Can my panel be left outdoors without a protective covering?
Yes. The Solar Module has been weatherproofed and can be mounted outdoors without any additional protection.
Do I have to disconnect the panels from the battery when I drive my RV or while I am recharging my battery by
other means?
No, solar panels are designed to be permanently connected to the battery. There is no need to disconnect them while
driving a RV for example, or when charging the batteries by other means such as AC chargers, or a vehicle's generator or
Always test outdoors under optimal sunlight conditions.
Test Solar Panels for Voltage.
Connect Voltmeter to each individual panel separately and observe Open Voltage. Open Voltage can range from 16 Volts
to 24 Volts.
Maintenance Instructions:
Cleaning of the glass may be performed by the user, utilizing a clean damp cloth.
Any other maintenance to the unit should be performed by qualified service personnel or contact our experienced
customer service team.
The solar panel is covered by a Twenty five year limited warranty of 80% of power output, and must be tested under optimal
conditions. This product is warranted from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two years from date of purchase.
This warranty does not apply in the event of misuse or abuse and or repairs and alterations.