1. General description
The trans-cutic (through the skin) electrical nerve stimulation – short TENS – is a
therapy method that has been used extremely successfully for decades to treat in-
tense and chronic pain. With the sanowell Life Tens you have chosen a two-channel-
TENS, that will ease or eliminate your pain through electrical impulses, that may be
individually set in duration, intensity, frequency, for comfortable treatment at home.
Your physician may prescribe a TENS device for you. Please keep strictly to the
doctor's orders and have him consult you in correct application of the electrodes.
The correct placement is crucial to the success of your TENS therapy.
2. What is pain?
Under regular circumstances pain has a warning function within the human body,
as it brings our attention to the fact, that something is not okay. Pain is important,
as without damage to our body system would not be discovered and therefore not
treated. On the other hand pain especially the chronic form puts an immense stress
on the body and naturally the human soul. Nobody can and nobody should have to
withstand pain for a duration of time.
Pain arises from the brain. Via sensory nerve fi bres of our nervous system diversest
information reach our brain to be interpreted.
3. What is TENS and how does TENS work?
The shortcut TENS (trans-cutic electrical nerve stimulation) depicts the stimulation
of nerves by electrical impulse through the skin. In fi ghting against pain it off ers an
alternative a-thousand-fold proven in comparison with drugs, that procure a chemi-
cal intervention on the body and by that often an additional stress.
The TENS therapy bases on the natural body-own system of information transporta-
tion. Positive, as well as negative sensations (as pain) reach the brain by the same
nervous system. TENS uses the fact, that comfortable sensations travel on faster
nerve strands than negative ones. That means, when the soft electrical impulses, that