If you find you are running out voices too quickly, you could take a closer look at the patches you are using,
and seeing if they can be optimised in any way. The following features should be considered prime suspects
in this situation:
Unison Mode (Common Menu)
Unison Mode tells the Virus to play multiple instances of the same voice for each key you press, and there-
fore should be considered 'polyphony-killer No.1'! With Unison Mode = Twin, the Virus plays two notes for
every key, but since Unison can be set as high as 8 voices per key, you can see why this can be a potential
problem, especially in an arrangement! Often, it can be that reducing the number of voices has little or no
detriment to the sound once it is in a mix, so please try reducing to Twin if it is set to a higher value. You
should be able to compensate for any decrease in volume with either the Patch Volume (Common Menu) or
Part Volume (Multi Menu) parameters.
Unison Mode is a legacy feature from the days of the Virus A B and C, none of which featured the HyperSaw
oscillator or the Local Detune parameter available in some of the newer oscillator types. Where appropriate,
using the HyperSaw on one oscillator will yield considerably more voices than a similar patch using 3 sepa-
rate saw oscillators.
Analog 1-4pole (Filter Menu)
Each voice takes approximately double the calculation power.
WavePWM or Grain /Formant Complex (Osc1/2 Menu)
Each voice takes approximately double the calculation power. Only use these oscillators if you are taking
advantage of the F-Shift, F-Spread or Local Detune parameters (OSC1/2 Menus) - especially in the case of
Grain Complex, which sounds exactly the same as the Wavetable oscillator when all these parameters are
set to their default value of +0.
Alternatively, try the Simple variants of Grain and Formant, as these are far less demanding of the DSP.
Oscillator 3 (Osc1/2 Menu)
Each voice takes approximately 30% additional calculation power.
This is the most 'expensive' effect, so we strongly advise to avoid using it on more than one or two Parts at
a time. A delay will have far less impact on resources, and may often be just as effective - alternatively, don't
forget you can use external plug-in effects if you are using Total Integration.