Safety precautions
Possible dangers if the safety precautions are not ob-
PIPETBOY is a state-of-the-art instrument with respect to current technology
and is safe to use. Some danger may arise if untrained personnel use the in-
strument. All persons working with the PIPETBOY must read the operating
and safety instructions before operating the instrument.
Safety at work
Independently of any safety precautions listed here, all other relevant safety
aspects - e.g. GLP, GMP, professional trade associations, Department of
Health, trade supervisory authorities - must be observed.
Safety aspects for the user company
The supervisors of operating personnel must have read and understood all the
safety precautions involved and must ensure that these are adhered to. They
must also ensure that operating personnel also understand and observe all
safety rules.
The instrument must not be used or recharged in an atomo-
sphere with danger of explosion. Highly flammable liquids
must not be pipetted (flash point below 0 °C, e.g. Ether, Ace-