Programming without help of the App:
As you can see on the right side, the light programs are very easy to select by simply keeping the button
pressed until the button lights up blue, red and green. When taking your finger off the button accordingly,
the setting will be saved.
To get into
mode, hold the button until the blue LED flashed 4 times, then release the button.
Adjusting the brightness of the lower button LEDs:
The brightness of the spot, diffuse, red and green light can be adjusted in 5 steps through the
lower button.
Press and hold the
Switch on the
lower button
wanted LED
Blika R
Release as soon as
The Output is
the desired level is
increased in 5
Press the top button
Available adjustments
until it lights
1x red
Release the button, SOS activated
1x blue
2 - step
2x blue
3 - step
3x blue
3 - step
4x blue
4 - step
5x blue
3 - step
1x red
2x red
3x red
4x red
5x red
Start with highest beam (Default) / lowest beam
6x red
Early "battery low warning" (Default)
7x red
Late "battery low warning"
8x red
Alpine SOS / SOS (Default)
9x red
Doubleclick on / off (Default)
10x red
Stealth on / off (Default)
11x red
The LEDs of the lower button get cut in the top button /
The LEDs of both buttons work independently (Default)
Bluetooth Connect
1x green
1x red
Default setting
on / off
on / off
on / off
on / off
Blika R