1. Use:
Intenso Encryption hard disk drive is already formatted as a factory
default and provided with a password so that you can use the hard disk
In order to access the hard disk, you must first enter the default password
and confirm with the hash key. After successful entry, the green LED
lights up and you can now find the Intenso drive in file manager.
Note: The default password is: 1234. Please change the password
before you store your personal data on the hard disk!
2. General commands
For normal use, you only need the number (0-9) keys and the hash (#)
To unlock the hard disk, enter your password using the number keys and
press the (#) key to confirm.
Keep the hash (#) button pressed for 3 seconds to lock again the
unlocked hard disk. Please note that locking is only possible, if no read /
write operations are currently taking place.
3. Changing the password:
Prerequisite: The hard disk must be locked; the LED must therefore light
up red.
a) Press the hash (#) and star (*) key simultaneously for 3 seconds, until
the LED starts flashing red.
b) Now type your old password and press the hash (#) key. If you have
entered your password correctly, the LED will start flashing green
(slow flashing). If you have entered your password incorrectly, the LED
will flash red. In this case, return to step a).
c) Now enter your new password and confirm your entry by pressing the
hash (#) key.
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