7. Concentrate for disoxidation
For the cleaning operations various cleaning concentrates are available which can make cleaning
more efficient. These are available at the place where you have bought your equipment or through
www.emag-germany.de. EMAG recommends for the various requirements the following high
efficient concentrates:
EM 007
Special concentrate for weapon parts. For the removal of smoke traces and deposits
from oil and grease.
EM 007 Spezialkonzentrat für Waffenteile. Für die Entfernung von Schmauch sowie
Ablagerungen aus Öl und Fett.
EM 070 for dental application and cleaning of dentures at home. Application: 1%.
EM 080 Eyeglasses, jewelery, optical glasses, ink crayons smaller tools and instruments such
as small precision parts, shaver heads. Application: 1%. (except for contact lenses and
glasses with coating).
EM 100 Concentrate for disoxidation of silver etc.). Application: neat.
EM 200 Concentrate for disinfection of instruments. Application: 1%.
EM 300 Super plus – extreme cleaner for difficult cases (supports, hinges, wheapon parts,
bullets, brass etc.). Application: 1%.
EM 303 PC Board cleaning. Application: 5-10%.
EM 404 Aluminum and diecast cleaning (carburators, engine blocks, cylinder heads).
Application: 3-5%.
EM 600 Spezialreiniger (Glas, Gummi, Keramik, Kunststoff, Metall). Application: 1-10%.
EM 700 Non-ferrous metal cleaner (Bullet casings, PC boards from maintenance, Jewellery,
Clock parts). Application: 5%.
If concentrates are used, application instructions must be followed very correctly!
If cleaning concentrates of other manufacturers are used, we will not be liable for any problems
occuring with the goods to be cleaned and any damages which may happen to the equipment.