G C w i n d ow
Displays all PLUs of the currently opened GC that have not
yet been paid.
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M a ki n g a s a l e
The usual procedure is as follows:
PLUs or prices are entered
The sale is
The customer pays
The details of each of these steps are explained in the fol-
lowing. A operator must be signed-in (see above).
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I n p u t of PLUs
There are different ways to enter PLUs:
Enter the PLU number, followed by the <PLU>
Press the direct PLU-key (e.g. <Small Coke>)
Scan the
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Fre e p r i ce i n p u t
When you enter a PLU (see above), it will sell for its preset
price. You may also enter a different price, e.g. for goods
with small faults that you want to sell cheaper.
Free price input can be locked at your POS system or only
be possible for selected operators.
To carry out free price input, enter a price and select the
corresponding PLU or department. Before selecting PLU or
department you may have to press the <Price> button.
invoiced and passed to the customer
bar code of the PLU
key or