Start Up
To start your quadcopter, follow this starting sequence:
1. Power on the transmitter. The transmitter beeps.
2. With the quadcopter on a level surface, power on the quadcopter. The
quadcopter LEDs fl ash.
3. Fully raise the THROTTLE stick. The transmitter emits one short beep.
4. Fully lower the THROTTLE stick. The transmitter emits one long beep.
5. After the beep, binding is successful. The quadcopter LEDs stay solid.
NOTICE: The quadcopter's fl ying range is 30m. If you fl y beyond this
range, the transmitter signal will be lost.
Operation and Control
Some drifting during fl ight is normal. The quadcopter may become unresponsive at the end of the battery life. To recharge the
battery, follow the Battery Charging instructions.
Motor Start
To fl y your quadcopter, press the THROTTLE stick to the left-bottom and the CONTROL stick to the
right-bottom. The motor starts. Or you can press the Right button once to fl y the quadcopter.
Motor Stop
To stop your quadcopter, press the THROTTLE stick to the right-bottom and the CONTROL stick to the
Auto Takeoff / AutoLand
Press the Left
Press the Left
Flight Control
NOTICE: When the quadcopter is fl ying toward the user, control direction is reversed.
NOTICE: In the event of a crash, the quadcopter motors will stop automatically to prevent motor damage.
NOTICE: If the LED lights on the quadcopter fl ash continuously, when NOT fi lming video, it indicates low battery and may
not fl y properly or perform fl ips.
button once, and the quadcopter will take off automatically.
button once, and the quadcopter will land automatically.