DVB-T Mode
System Settings
Language Setting
Use the ▲ / ▼ to select Language Setting item and then
press Enter to confirm it.
Menu language
This function allows you to set the language of OSD
display, you can Press
▲ / ▼ to select the options: Eng-
lish / French / German /Spanish / Italian / Portuguese.
Audio language
This function allows you to set the language of audio, you can Press
▲ / ▼ to select the
options: English / French / German / Spanish / Italian / Portuguese.
Parental Setting
Use the ▲ / ▼ to select Parental Setting item and then press Enter to confirm it If the lock
is already set, enter the pin code as requested.
Chang Pin Code
This function allows you to change the pin code, you
should to input a new pin code twice and press OK to
confirm it.
You can Press
▲ / ▼ to select an age bracket options:
None Block/ 6/ 10/ 14/ 18.
A/V Setting
Use the ▲ / ▼ to select A/V Setting item and then
press Enter to confirm it.
TV Shape
This function allows you to select the proper picture
proportion to match the source's image, you can select
one of 4 : 3 and 16: 9.
Conversion Prefer
This function allows you to select the screen conversion
mode options: Full Frame/ Vertical cut/ Pillar Box or Full
Frame/ Pan & Scan/ Letterbox.
Bright & Contrast
Press the
◄ / ► to adjust the value of bright and con-