Getting Started
The P6701B, P6703B, and P6723 O/E Converters have the
TekProbe II interface which is standard on Tektronix TDS, 1140X,
and DSA600 series oscilloscopes. The interface supplies power to
the converter, selects the correct vertical scale (watts/division), and
automatically sets the 50
Figure 2 shows the input connector of the TekProbe II interface.
Figure 2: TekProbe II interface (input)
To adapt the P6701B, P6703B, and P6723 O/E Converters to
measurement instruments that do not have the TekProbe II interface,
order the Tektronix 1103 TekProbe Power Supply.
termination on the oscilloscope input.
P6701B, P6703B & P6723 Instructions