D r i n k M a g i c
At the end of the season, or if you notice the
machine's performance seems to be dropping
off, we recommend you clean the air condenser.
To clean the condenser (A), take off the laterals
panels, if they have air to pressure it is
recommended to use it guiding the flow of inside
toward it was (see Fig.18), and if they don't
have air to pressure to catch a paintbrush (P)
and to proceed to the cleaning of the fins trying
not to damage them, in the vertical sense
(according to arrows) (see Fig.19).
SL310004000 Ed.01 - 01-2010
U s e r ' s i n s t r u c t i o n s a n d m a i n t e n a n c e m a n u a l
Figure 19
Figure 18
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