AquaKinetic Softener Owners Manual
Salt Bridge
The regenerant in the brine tank can, under certain conditions, solidify and form a
"salt bridge" preventing the system from making brine for regeneration.
Conditions known to contribute to salt bridging include high humidity, low water
and salt consumption, or the use of potassium chloride (KCl). If a salt bridge
occurs, you can attempt to break up the solidified salt by carefully poking the salt
with a stick or broom handle.
To minimize the potential for salt bridging, fill the brine tank to the halfway point
with regenerant. Or, consider using the K-Spray Brine System (optional
equipment available from your Kinetico dealer) that virtually eliminates salt
If at any time you feel your AquaKinetic water softener is not operating properly,
put the system in by-pass and call your local, authorized Kinetico dealer. To
assure that the barium and radium reduction capability of the system is
maintained, make sure the system is working effectively. Soft water indicates that
the reduction of contaminants will occur as expected. Contact your local dealer
for information and directions for the procedure to test your water hardness.
Rev. 10/2010
Page 9
Product No. 13146B