Before use
• Remove all packaging materials.
• Clean the device, if necessary, with a wet cloth and some mild detergent (also refer to
"maintenance and cleaning").
• Check the device for damage before each use. Do not use the device if the power cord or
adaptor is damaged or when not func�oning properly.
Charging the ba�ery
A�ach the charger (13) to the device through charger socket (10) before connec�ng the adaptor
to the power supply. Make sure the power supply indicated on the adaptor corresponds with the
local voltage. A red light at the charger indica�on light (14) will turn on to indicate the device is
charging and change to a green light when the ba�ery is fully charged. It takes approximately 2
hours to fully charge the ba�ery.
Note: we recommend that you unplug your charger when charge is complete and the green light
Note: Always make sure the ba�ery is fully charged before using the device.
Filling the water tank
Switch the device off and disconnect it from the charger. Li� the water tank cap (7) with filter (8)
included as shown in Figure 1 and 2. Fill the water tank (6) with clean water by slightly �l�ng the
device forward as shown in Figure 3. Once the water tank is nearly full, replace the filter and the
water tank cap.
Note: The appliance must be disconnected from the charger while filling the water tank. Figure 4
Note: Do not add harsh cleaning materials, caus�cs, acids, scented perfumes, oils or cleaning
products not intended for this type of cleaning to the water or the water tank as this may
damage the unit or make it unsafe to use. Only use clear and pure water. The use of dis�lled
water is recommended in areas with hard water to avoid lime scale deposits.
A�aching the cleaning wipes
The cleaning wipes (10 and 11) s�ck to wipe a�achment area (3) with Velcro. Posi�on the
selected wipe in front of the a�achment area evenly at the en�re length, then press the surface
to secure wipe it, as shown in Figure 5
Remove the wipe by simply tearing it off Figure 6
The window cleaner comes with 2 emery wipes and 1 microfiber wipe. Emery wipes can be used
to remove though stains and grease from your surfaces while the microfiber wipes give a shiny
and streak-less finishing for cleaned or less dirty surfaces.