DinoCapture 2.0 User manual
b. Make video
Choose frame rate, recording time, quality and
To stop recording manually, use the ESC key.
Make time lapse video
Choose capture interval, number of frames
and playback frame rate, as well as quality and
d. Switch LED's on/off
e. Go to full screen mode, to end full screen mode use the
ESC key
2. Image list
a. Choose between pictures or video's
b. Look at an image with mouse-over, or double-click to open
in new window
3. Live image
a. Use the action bar for the action that you want to perform.
b. Use the Controls menu (the menu bar is on top of the
screen) to change settings, use (digital) zoom, freeze the
image, change the resolution or change the functioning of
the Microtouch button.
Use the Live measurement function (in the Tools menu)
to open a special selection window for drawing and
measurement tools. After selection, click okay and use the
tool on the live image.
12 English