Operating Instruction
SNO 4003K
Basic device for Emergency-Stop Applications
Basic device to EN 60204-1:2005 and EN ISO 13849-1:2007 single E-stop monitoring.
Y 3
PL e / category 4 in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1:2007 (previously EN 954:1997 cate-
Y 1
Y 2
gory 4)
SILCL 3 in accordance with EN 62061:2005
Stop category 0 acc. EN 60204-1
Manual or automatic start
3 Enabling paths, 1 signalling path
Feedback loop to monitoring external contactors
K1, K2
S NO 4 003K
Device styles
SNO 4003K
4 1
SNO 4003K-A with screw-type terminals pluggable
SNO 4003K-C with spring-type terminals pluggable
Front View
K1, K2
Description of Device and Function
Safety Instructions
The Device is a single-channel safety switching device for emergency stop equipment conforming
Only trained professional electricians may in-
to EN 60204-1, with self-monitoring on each ON-OFF cycle and positively driven relays.
stall, startup, modify, and retrofit this equipment!
The device has two reset inputs, Y2 (without reset monitoring) and Y3 (with reset monitoring). The
Disconnect the device / system from all power
two relays, K1 and K2, are activated automatically (bridge Y1-Y2) or by operating the reset button
sources prior to starting any work! If installation
(on Y1-Y3). They switch to self-maintaining via their own contacts, if there is an electrical connec-
or system errors occur, line voltage may be pre-
tion (emergency stop button, position switch) between terminal A1 and the supply voltage. After this
sent at the control circuit in devices without DC
switch-on phase the enabling current paths are closed and the signalling current path is open. If the
electrical connections between terminal A1 and the supply voltage are interrupted, the enabling
Observe all electrical safety regulations issued
current paths open and the signalling current path closes.
by the appropriate technical authorities or the
The excitation condition (self-maintaining) of the two channels is indicated by a green LED K1, K2.
trade association. The safety function can be
A second green LED indicates the presence of supply voltage.
lost if the device is not used for the intended
purpose. Opening the housing or any other ma-
Proper Use
nipulation will void the warranty.
The device is for monitoring sensors (e.g. emergency stop buttons, position switches) that are used as part
of the safety equipment of machines for the purpose of protecting people, material and machinery.
If the device has been subjected to improper or
incorrect use it must no longer be used, and the
The performance level and safety category in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1 depends on the
guarantee loses its validity. Impermissible condi-
external wiring, the application case, the choice of control station and how this is physically arranged
tions include:
on the machine.
strong mechanical stress, for example through a
The user must carry out a risk assessment in accordance with ISO 14121-1.
fall, or voltages, currents, temperatures or hu-
The entire system/machine must undergo validation in accordance with the applicable standards on
midity outside of the specifications.
the basis of this.
Before starting up your machine/plant for the
In order for the specified performance level to be achieved, an average annual number of switching
first time, please be sure to check all the safety
cycles must not be exceeded (see EN ISO 13849-1, C.2.4 and Tab. K.1), taking into account the pre-
functions according to valid regulations, and
vailing device load (see EN ISO 13849-1, Tab. C.1) and the application case. Assuming that the B
observe the specified test cycles for safety
value for the maximum load is 400,000, this results in a maximum cycle number of 400,000 / 0.1 x 30
= 133,333 switching cycles/year.
Operating the device not within the specifications may lead to malfunctions or the destruction
of the device.
The supply input A1 serves as a control input. This may lead to short disruptions or a lowering
Perform the following precautionary steps prior
below the operating voltage in order to switch to the release path.
to installation, assembly, or disassembly:
Expansion devices or external contactors with positively driven contacts can be used to dupli-
Disconnect supply voltage to the equipment
cate the enabling current paths.
/ system prior to starting any work!
The device and the contacts must be protected at max. 8 A.
Lockout/tag the equipment / system to pre-
The emergency stop chain must be closed before the reset button is activated.
vent accidental activation!
If magnetic switches with reed contacts or sensors with semiconductor outputs are connected
Confirm that no voltage is present!
the switch ON peak current must be noticed (see Technical Data).
Ground the phases and short to ground!
Please consult the installation notes.
Protect against adjacent live components
using guards and barriers!
Please observe instructions from safety authorities.
The devices must be installed in a cabinet
with a protection class of at least IP 54.
Limited contact protection! Protection type ac-
cording to EN 60529.
Housing/terminals: IP 40/ IP 20.
Finger-proof acc. to EN 50274.
with screw-type terminals
LED green
LED green
Caractéristiques techniques
Circuit d'alimentation
Tension nominale AC/DC 24 V
Plage de la tension nominale
Ondulation résiduelle DC
Puissance assignée DC
Puissance assignée AC
Fréquence nominale AC
Courant de pointe à l'entrée (A1)
Courant nominal de court-circuit
Temps de réponse / temps de réarmement
Fusible pour alimentation circuit de commande
Isolation électrique circuit d'alimentation - circuit de commande
Tension nominale AC 115 -120 V / AC 230 V
Plage de la tension nominale U
= AC 115 -120 V
Plage de la tension nominale U
= AC 230 V
Puissance assignée
Fréquence nominale AC
Fusible pour alimentation circuit de commande
Isolation électrique circuit d'alimentation - circuit de commande
Circuit de commande
Résistance du conducteur en Y1-Y2 ou Y1-Y3 (à U
tension d'alimentation)
Tension nominale de sortie pour l'alimentation de l'entrée Y2
Courant nominal / Courant de pointe (entrées Y2, Y3)
Temps de relâchement t
(K1, K2)
Temps de réponse t
(tension nominale AC 115 -120 V / AC 230 V)
Temps de réponse t
tension nominale AC/DC 24 V)
Temps de réponse t
Mindesteinschaltdauer t
Mindesteinschaltdauer t
Temps de réarmement t
Durée min. de maintien t
Circuit de sortie
Equipement des contacts
Tension nominale de coupure U
Courant continu max. I
pour chaque contact de travail/contact de rupture
Courant total max. de tous les contacts (tension nominale AC/DC 24 V)
Courant total max. de tous les contacts (tension nominale
AC 115 -120 V / AC 230 V)
Catégorie d'utilisation selon EN 60947-5-1
Durée de vie mécanique
Protection contre les courts-circuits, cartouche fusible
Caractéristiques générales
Entrefers et lignes de fuite entre les circuits électriques
Catégorie de surtension
Surtension transitoire assignée
Tension assignée
Tension alternative d'essai
Degré de pollution de l'appareil : à l'intérieur / à l'extérieur
Classe de protection selon EN 60529 Boîtier / bornes
Température ambiante / de stockage
Poids (tension nominale AC/DC 24 V)
Poids (tension nominale AC 115 -120 V / AC 230 V)
Borniers et raccordement
Unifilaire ou de faible diamètre
Longueur de dénudage
Faible diamètre avec embout Selon DIN 46228
Couple de rotation
AC/DC 20,4 V
AC/DC 24 V
1,3 W
1,8 W / 3,2 VA
50 Hz
1400 mA
2 s / 3 s
Résistance PTC
AC 93,5 V
AC 115 -120 V
AC 195 V
AC 230 V
2,0 W / 2,3 VA
50 Hz
Transformateur résistant aux courts-circuits
dépendant de la
DC 24 V
60 ms
180 ms
40 ms
40 ms
3 contacts à guidage forcé (contacts de travail), 1 contact de signalisation
(contact de rupture)
AC/DC 230 V
8 A / 5 A
12 A
8 A
AC-15: Ue AC 230 V, Ie 5 A
DC-13: Ue DC 24 V, Ie 5 A
10 x 10
max. 8 A
selon EN 60664-1 en fonction du modèle de l'appareil, voir isolation
électrique du circuit d'alimentation
4 kV
AC 300 V
2 kV
2 / 3
IP 40 / IP 20
-25 ... +55 / -25 ... +75 °C
0,20 kg
0,25 kg
bornes à vis
1 x 0,2 - 2,5 mm² /
2 x 0,2 - 0,75 mm²
max. 8 mm
1 x 0,25 - 2,5 mm² /
2 x 0,25 - 0,5 mm²
0,5 à 0,6 Nm
AC/DC 26,4 V
2,4 V
1,6 W
2,2 W / 3,9 VA
60 Hz
1,7 A
AC 132 V
AC 253 V
2,4 W / 2,8 VA
60 Hz
70 Ω
DC 40 V
90 mA / 1500 mA
80 ms
300 ms
60 ms
60 ms
200 ms
300 ms
bornes à ressorts
2 x 0,2 - 1,5 mm²
2 x 0,25 - 1,5 mm²
(sertissage trapézoïd)