If you cannot put the cap in the opening because of
build of the hive, you can still use the drawer opening.
Seal the opening with a damp cloth or wet foam
All open areas should be sealed, over the entire
Connect the terminals to the battery. Keep the source
of energy connected to one of the two clamps.
Through the contact of the second
switched on and off. For the operation of the burner,
the red and black clamps can be applied without
distinction to the
Wait for 3-4 minutes in a sheltered position from any
acid vapors that may come from the hive.
Disconnect the terminals from the battery
After the burner is off, wait 2 minutes before
removing the appliance from the hive, so it can
facilitate the deposition of the oxalic acid vapors.
Extract the burner and tightly reclose the opening and
immerse the cup (and only that) in water. This way
you avoid the cooktop starting to evaporate the acid
before being inserted in the hive when filling a new
To prevent lime scale buildup, wipe the cup with a dry
cloth before the next treatment.
After 10 minutes, remove the fabric from the
Repeat the operations from the beginning for further
treatment of other hives.
In case of any malfunctions and / or damaged parts,
immediately stop using it and send it to the
manufacturer for a maintenance intervention.
Second mode – treatment time: 1,5 minutes (for experienced
Warning! Follow this mode only if you have the OXALIKA
vaporizer with the temperature control "Premium or 130 / E"
Unlike the first mode, in this mode:
The operator must wear an ABE / P3 filter mask as
specified in chap. I besides leather gloves and well
adhering goggles.
The sublimator must always be connected to the
battery and should not be cooled between a
treatment and the next.
The operator will be located near the opening of the
hive, inserting the acid into the bowl and immediately
inserting the bowl inside the hive.
Wait for 1 minute and 30 seconds (and in any case
until the end of sublimation) before extracting the
sublimator from the hive
The other indications given in the description of the first mode
of operation are valid.
clamps, it can be
positive or negative pole.
IV. Storage
After use place the device in a dry place and away from direct
sun light.
V. Maintenance
Sequence of operations for maintenance
Switch off power
Check the general condition of the machine
Clean with water, making sure to only wet the metallic
block with recess to prevent water from entering the
internment handle.
Replacing the fuse inside the handle.
N.B .: This should only be performed by a trained personnel in
the field of electrical installations.
Switch off power
Loosen the end of the handle nut
Take the rear and close the fuse holder.
Open the fuse and replace the fuse with an identical
Close the device.
In the case that, despite the replacement of the fuse,
the unit does not resume functioning correctly,
contact the manufacturer. Do not make any
modifications to the product.
VI. Packaging and Disposal
The packaging is made of recyclable material. At the
end of its use, lay it in a special container. The burner,
as all electrical and electronic equipment, should not
be disposed of with the household waste. Contact your local
disposal service to have information about the waste collection
system in your area.
VII. Product liability limits
Before use, carefully and scrupulously, read the present user
manual completely. We disclaim any kind of liability in case of
insufficient efficacy or failure, due to non-compliance with the
user requirements and circumstances on which TALITHA SRLS
has no influence.
VIII. Declaration of conformity
Manufacturer: TALITHA SRLS - Via Ugo Foscolo 21 / A, 57025
Piombino (LI) declares that: The oxalic acid vaporizer MODEL:
complies with the directives:
- 2011/65 / EU (RoHS)
- 2014/30/EU (Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive)
PIOMBINO, December 20, 2016
Legal representative:
Dr. Matteo Tonietti