Normas Y Directrices Válidas - WIKA GIR-10 Mode D'emploi

Table des Matières


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3. Seguridad
3.8 Normas y directrices válidas
Instalación, montaje, puesta en servicio
Información DGUV 213-013 (sistemas y equipo SF₆)
IEC 62271-4:2013 (High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 4: Handling
procedures for sulphur hexafluoride (SF₆) and its mixtures)
IEC 60376:2018 (Specification of technical grade sulphur hexafluoride (SF₆) and
complementary gases to be used in its mixtures for use in electrical equipment)
IEC 60480 (Specifications for the re-use of sulphur hexafluoride (SF₆) and its
mixtures in electrical equipment)
Informe CIGRE 276, 2005 (Guide for the preparation of customised "Practical SF₆
handling instructions")
Fugas durante el funcionamiento:
IEC 60376:2018 (Specification of technical grade sulphur hexafluoride (SF₆) and
complementary gases to be used in its mixtures for use in electrical equipment)
IEC 60480 (Specifications for the re-use of sulphur hexafluoride (SF₆) and its
mixtures in electrical equipment)
CIGRE 2002 („SF₆ gas in the electrical industry")
Trabajos de reparación y mantenimiento:
IEC 62271-4:2013 (High-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 4: Handling
procedures for sulphur hexafluoride (SF₆) and its mixtures)
CIGRE 1991 (Handling of SF₆ and its decomposition products in Gas Insulated
Switchgear (GIS))
Informe CIGRE 276, 2005 (Guide for the preparation of customised "Practical SF₆
handling instructions")
CIGRE report 163, 2000 (Guide for SF₆ gas mixtures)
El gas aislante es incoloro e inodoro, químicamente neutro, inerte, no
inflamable, y casi cinco veces más pesado que el aire, no es tóxico y no
daña el ozono. Los datos detallados se encuentran en el IEC 60376 y
IEC 62271-4:2013.
WIKA manual de instrucciones detector de gas, modelo GIR-10


Table des Matières

Table des Matières