3.3 - Selecting the clothes load
Beffore putting the clothes into the machine, you should:
Separate the clothes into three lots (cotton, synthetics and wool).
Within each group, separate the coloureds from the whites.
Once the clothes have been sorted, put them into the drum of the machine,
separately according to colour and group, loose piece by piece, as per the
following proportions:
C o t t o n m a x i m u m 5 k g .
Synthetics maximum 2,5 kg.
Wool maximum 1 kg.
3.4 - Selecting the right program
Once the clothes have been sorted into fabric types and colours, you need to
select the right program and temperature. SEE PROGRAM TABLE (Section 8).
3.5 - Starting operation
With the machine now loaded, the door closed, the soap drawer compartments
filled and the right program chosen, to start the machine, you just need to PULL
The machine automatically goes through all the operations included in the wash
cycle until it ends.
The wash is now ready to be hung out dry (or to be ironed in the case of washer
- dryers).
3.6 - How to get the best performance
3.6-1 - Maximise the load (Section 8)
You obtain the most efficient use of energy, water, detergent and time by
using the maximum recommended load.
You save 50% energy by washing one full load instead of two half loads.
3.6-2 - Do you need a pre-wash?
Only for deeply stained laundry !.
You save detergent, water, time and between 5 to 15% of energy through
n o t u s i n g t h e p re - wa s h fo r l i g h t a n d a n o r m a l ly s o i l e d c l o t h e s .
3.6-3 - Do you need hot water?
Soak or treat stains before the wash, in order to reduce to need to use the
hot programme.
You save 50% energy by using the 60ºC programme.
3.6-4 - For washer-dryers: before using the dryer
Select high (> 850 rpm) for the spin before drying, in order to save energy,
water hand time during the drying period.
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