Introduction – English USA
The Smoke Check is based on an electrochemical fuel cell sensor, which
works through the reaction of carbon monoxide (CO) with an electrolyte
at one electrode, and oxygen (from ambient air) at the other. This
reaction generates an electrical current proportional to CO concentration.
Output from the sensor is monitored by a microprocessor, which detects
and displays peak expired concentrations of alveolar gas. High levels of
expired CO indicate raised levels of carboxyhaemoglobin, most commonly
caused by cigarette smoking.
The results are displayed in four ranges on a clear LCD display.
Warning lights are provided to give an instant indication of the
smoking level. A particular feature of the CareFusion Smoke Check
is its stability of calibration and low cross sensitivity to other exhaled
gases such as hydrogen.
Jarvis MJ, Belcher M, Vesey C, Hutchison DCS
Low cost carbon monoxide monitors in smoking assessment
Thorax 1986; 41: 886-887