I have sensitive teeth and gums.
What is the best way to brush with
my Black Whitening®?
If you have sensitive teeth and gums, plan for a 1-2
week adjustment period to your Black Whitening®.
During this time, we recommend using the
How can I best remove discolorations?
We recommend the DEEP CLEANSING mode in
order to rid teeth of discolorations.
What do I have to consider when I brush my
teeth with Black Whitening® if I am wearing
braces or if I have dental restorations (bridg-
es, implants, crowns or veneers)?
In this case use the INTENSIVE mode to remove
plaque and bacteria. In case of braces, place the
brush gently between your brackets and gums
and move the brush in a light circular motion
along your teeth to keep both brackets and teeth
free from debris.