Maintenance, winterizing:
De LUXE garden solar shower requires no special maintenance.
Keep the solar shower clean, especially the decorative metal cover and prevent limescale deposits on its surface.
After the end of season, disconnect the solar shower completely from the water source. Remove the drain plug located at the rear bottom of the
tube above the mounting base and drain all the water from the shower body. Make sure the lever faucet and shower head remain dry; wrap them
tightly to protect against penetrating moisture. Thus treated solar shower may be left outside even in the winter.
We however recommend storing the winterized product dismantled in a dry place during the off-season.
Transport and storage:
In order to prevent damage and loss of individual components, the original packaging should not be opened until immediately before assembly.
Package contents:
- Shower body with mounted lever faucet
- Shower head
- Foot rinser valve
- Hose quick coupler
- Instructions for use and installation
Basic parameters of solar shower:
Solar shower tank volume: 35 litres
Maximum allowable water pressure at the inlet of the valve: 6 bar
Body height: 2100 mm
Bottom plate for anchoring: 4 holes ø 9 mm with 135x215 mm pitch
Warranty Conditions:
Assuming that all the conditions of use specifi ed by the manufacturer are met, the manufacturer provides a product warranty of 24 months.
The Supplier is not liable for defects and damage caused by improper installation, improper use or improper winterizing procedure.
Service and spare parts are provided by Mountfi eld a.s. through a network of stores.