You can create 4 programs :
Go to the first « DISABLE » (in yellow) , « OK ».
« DISABLE » appears in the left upper corner of a window.
«p» to access the parameterisation, « WEEKLY » appears in yellow.
Use the «tu» keys to go to the days and hours (the selection appears in yellow).
Use the «pq» keys to modify the display.
Use the «u» key to go to « CONT » (or « MD ») (the selection appears in yellow).
« CONT » = continuous recording in this time slot.
« MD » = recording according to motion detection in this time slot.
Validate by « OK » to validate and activate the time slot
Deactivate or activate a time slot :
Press the « SETUP » key of the remote control unit, select with the «pq» keys « RECORDER
SETTING », « OK ».
with the «pqtu» keys of the remote control unit, go to « Schedule », « OK ».
with the «pq» keys go to the time slot:
« DISABLE », to activate the selection: « OK », «q», « OK ». (before validating you have the pos-
sibility to modify the selection).
Dates and hours displayed, to deactivate the selection: « OK », «p», « OK ».
e. Play
Press the « PLAY » key of the remote control unit.
An index appears with a list of dates, corresponding to the recording days.
Choose a date with the «pq» keys, the selected date appears in red letters, validate your choice
with « OK ».
The list of the day records appears.
CFI EXTEL WESVDD 82700 - 06/2009 - V1