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Nel ringraziarVi per aver scelto un prodotto PASO, vogliamo
ricordarVi che la nostra azienda opera con sistema di qualità
certificato. Tutti i nostri prodotti vengono pertanto controllati in
ogni fase della produzione per garantirVi la piena soddisfazione
del Vostro acquisto. Per ogni evenienza la garanzia coprirà, nel
periodo di validità, eventuali difetti di fabbricazione.
Vi raccomandiamo di leggere attentamente le seguenti istruzioni
d'uso per sfruttare appieno le prestazioni offerte da questo
prodotto e per evitare eventuali problemi.
La console PMB130B-V, inserita nel sistema VES, permette di
inviare in tutte le zone od in singole zone (con l'ausilio di uno o
più espansioni PMB139-V) messaggi preregistrati di allerta,
evacuazione o messaggi in viva voce.
Inoltre, visualizza lo stato degli allarmi in corso, e permette di
analizzare la traccia degli ultimi 100 guasti rilevati dal sistema.
Descrizione generale ............................................ 3
1.1 Console PMB130B-V ..................................................... 3
1.2 Espansione PMB139-V .................................................. 4
Connessioni ........................................................... 5
2.1 Generalità ................................................................... 5
2.3 Connettore per alimentazione esterna .......................... 6
2.4 Connettore per espansione .......................................... 6
Funzionamento ..................................................... 7
3.1 Accensione .................................................................. 7
3.2 Chiave di sicurezza ...................................................... 7
3.3 Emissione di messaggi d'emergenza .............................. 7
3.3.1 Messaggi pre-registrati ...................................... 7
3.3.2 Messaggi viva voce ............................................ 8
3.4 Chiamate 'Broadcast' .................................................... 8
3.5 Azzeramento degli allarmi in corso ................................ 9
3.6 Visualizzazione dei guasti .............................................. 9
Impostazioni ....................................................... 10
• Abilitazione del buzzer ............................................. 10
• Assegnazione dell'indirizzo logico .............................. 10
• Livello del generatore di toni .................................... 10
• Livello del segnale di preavviso ................................ 10
• Livello di sensibilità del microfono .............................. 10
• Livello di guadagno in uscita ..................................... 11
• Filtro dei toni bassi (LOW CUT) ................................. 11
• Pulsante P.T.T (Push To Talk) .................................... 11
Funzionamento con due consoles ..................... 12
5.1 Priorità in stato d'emergenza ............................... 12
Lista degli accessori (opzionali) ........................ 12
Caratteristiche tecniche .................................... 12
While thanking you for having chosen a PASO product, we
would like to remind you that our company works according to a
certified Quality System. This means that all our products are
checked during every phase of manufacturing in order to ensure
that you will be fully satisfied with your purchase. In any case,
the guarantee will cover any manufacturing flaws during the
guarantee period. We recommend that you read the following
instructions for use and follow them carefully in order to exploit
in full the performance of this product and use it correctly.
The PMB130B-V console, when included in the VES system,
enables alerting messages, evacuation messages or live
messages to be sent to all zones or to single zones (with the
help of one or more PMB139-V expansions). It also displays
the status of the current alarms and enables the records of the
last 100 faults detected by the system to be analysed.
General description .............................................. 3
1.1 PMB130B-V Console ..................................................... 3
1.2 PMB139-V Expansion .................................................... 4
Connections .......................................................... 5
2.1 General information ..................................................... 5
2.2 Input connector and output connector ......................... 6
2.3 Connector for external power supply ........................... 6
2.4 Connector for expansion .............................................. 6
Operation .............................................................. 7
3.1 Switching on ................................................................ 7
3.2 Security key ................................................................ 7
3.3 Sending out emergency messages ................................ 7
3.3.1 Pre-recorded messages ..................................... 7
3.3.2 Live messages ................................................... 8
3.4 'Broadcast' calls ........................................................... 8
3.5 Resetting current alarms .............................................. 9
3.6 Displaying faults .......................................................... 9
Settings ............................................................... 10
• Enabling the buzzer ................................................. 10
• Assignment of the logical address ............................ 10
• Enabling 'Broadcast' calls ......................................... 10
• Level of the tone generator ..................................... 10
• Level of the warning signal (chime) .......................... 10
• Level of output gain ................................................ 11
• Bass tone filter (LOW CUT) ...................................... 11
• P.T.T (Push To Talk) button ....................................... 11
Operation with two consoles ............................. 12
5.1 Priority during an emergency ............................... 12
List of accessories (optional) ............................. 12
Technical specifications ..................................... 12
- PMS2000 System -



Produits Connexes pour PASCO PMB130B-V

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