Ex-Application / Control Drawing
Intrinsic Safety / Non-Incendive
Fieldbus FISCO
Power supply
U o ≤ 17.5 V,
I o ≤ 380 mA
Power supply (Fisco); Segment
Blitzductor BXT M2 BD E EX 24
Blitzductor BXT M2 BD S EX 24
Non hazardous
Field device (Fisco)
CSA application
Certificate CSA11CA2392869
Conditions of Acceptability:
Module output circuits terminals (X1', X2', X3' and X4'):
The values of U o , I o and P o are determined by the parameters of the circuit(s) to which the Blitzductor BXT series is connected.
The dielectric strength of at least 500 V of the intrinsically safe circuits of the Blitzductors series BXT is limited only by the
overvoltage protection.
Terminals X3, X4, X3' and X4' are considered to be connected to earth.
When the Blitzductor BXT series is used in a Fieldbus system according to FISCO, the power supply shall have infallible galvanic isolation
and may not be connected to earth or shall be infallibly connected to the potential equalizing system within the hazardous area.
Intrinsic Safety:
Hazardous area
Installation should be in accordance with
Canadian Electrical Code CSA C22.2 part I.
For use in type of protection Ex i:
Module input circuits (terminals X1, X2, X3 and X4) for connection to a certified intrinsically
safe circuit, with the following maximum values:
Ui = 30 V; li = 500 mA; Pi = any; Ci = 0 nF; Li = 0 mH
Or for connection to a certified intrinsically safe circuit or a circuit in accordance with FISCO,
with the following maximum values:
Ui = 17.5 V; li = 380 mA; Pi = 5.32 W; Ci = 0nF; Li = 0 µH
The module outputs (terminals 1', 2') can be connected to zone 0.
Hazardous area
For use in type of protection Ex na:
Module input circuits (terminals X1, X2, X3 and X4):
Un = 33 V; ln = 500 mA.
For use in type of protection Ex nL:
For connection to a limited energy certified circuit, with the following maximum values:
Ui = 33 V; li = 500 mA; Pi = any; Ci = 0nF; Li = 0 µH
***) The Blitzductor series BXT shall be installed into an enclosure, which meets the requirements of a recognized type of protection,
in accordance with ANSI/ISA-60079-0 (2009) or CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 60079-0-07.
see page 1
„shield earthing"
Field device
U i ≤ 17.5 V, I i ≤ 380 mA,
P i ≤ 5.32 W, C i ≤ 5 nF,
L i ≤ 10 mH
IS, Class I Div. 1, GP A, B, C, D T4...T6
IS, Class I, Zone 1, AEx ia IIC T4...T6
Ex ia IIC T4...T6
Substitution of components
may impair intrinsic safety!
La substitution de composants peut
compromettre la sécurité intrinséque!
NI, Class I Div 2, GP A,B,C,D T4...T6
Class I, Zone 2, AEx nC IIC T4...T6
Ex nL IIC T4...T6
Class I Div 2, GP A, B, C, D T4...T6
Class I, Zone 2, AEx nA IIC T4...T6
Ex nA IIC T4...T6
© COPYRIGHT 2018 DEHN + SÖHNE protected by ISO 16016
Non hazardous
Ambient temperature range:
- 50° C to + 50° C for T6
- 50° C to + 75° C for T5
- 50° C to + 80° C for T4
BXT M2 BD E EX 24; BXT M2 BD S EX 24
min. 4 mm² / min. AWG 10
equipotential bonding
FISCO surge protector
IECEx KEM 09.0077 X
Special conditions for safe use:
The dielectric strength of at least 500 V of the intrinsically safe circuits of the
Blitzductor series BXT is limited only by the overvoltage protection. For Blitzductor BXT
series type BXT ML2 BD S EX 24, the terminals X3, X4, X3' and X4' are considered to
be connected to earth.
FISCO Fieldbus systems:
When the Blitzductor BXT series is used in a FISCO Fieldbus system, the power supply
shall have infallible galvanic isolation and may not be connected to earth or shall be
infallibly connected to the potential equalizing system within the hazardous area.
For use in type of protection Ex nA:
The Blitzductor BXT series shall be installed into an enclosure, which meets the
requirements of a recognized type of protection, in accordance with IEC 60079-0.
1719 / 07.19 / 3010795
zone 1, 2
field leads
*) **)
cable lengths
max. 1m
min. 4 mm² / min. AWG 10
Standards for ATEX:
Standards for IECEx:
EN 60079-0: 2012
IEC 60079-0: 2011
EN 60079-11: 2012
IEC 60079-11: 2011
EN 60079-15: 2010
IEC 60079-15: 2010
EN 60079-26: 2007
IEC 60079-26: 2006
II 2 (1) G
Ex ia [ia Ga] IIC T4,T5,T6 Gb
Connection with intrinsically safe
circuits with:
U i = 30 V type of protection "ia"
U i = 33 V type of protection "ic"
I i = 500 mA
C i negligibly small
L i negligibly small
II 3 G
Ex ic IIC T4,T5,T6 Gc
Ex nA IIC T4,T5,T6 Gc
Module input circuits:
U n =33 V, I n =500 mA
© COPYRIGHT 2019 DEHN SE + Co KG protected by ISO 16016
see page 1
„shield earthing"
zone 0