6. Electronic components of vehicles
6.1. History
For more than twenty years, vehicles and engines of all kind are provided with electronic
components more and more sophisticated.
Those are perfectly compatible with the use of a Booster in contrary to the old starting
practices, still too much used and extremely dangerous for vehicle electronics and for the
health and safety of the users.
6.2. Car manufacturers' recommendations
Our boosters perfectly match manufacturers' requirements. None prohibits or advises
against the use of a battery or a release booster.
Faced with the multiple requests from garage owners, some manufacturers have worked
out a process of intervention to follow if the battery fails that excludes any other form of
intervention under pain of loss of warranty.
It is, therefore, important to read the vehicle user manual before doing anything on a
vehicle's battery.
6.3. High voltage surge
How can one damage or destroy one or more electronic components?
Answer: by provoking high voltage surges.
A high voltage surge is a small spark or a very powerful stray flash provoked by voltage
differences, short circuits or reversals of polarity, or again, and quite often, making electri-
cal welds on vehicles without disconnecting the battery or using a special Anti-Zap filter.
The small surges damage or destroy electronic components of board computers or ordinary
logic controllers.
Stray flashes and electrical welding, contrariwise, do greater damage.
If the Booster is used according to instructions, it is impossible to provoke a voltage surge.
A complete information about the electronic of vehicles is available on request.