Inspection and maintenance
The Bearing Handling Tool is designed to require
a minimum of maintenance. The Bearing Hand-
ling Tool must be periodically inspected in accor-
dance with local statutory requirements, but not
longer than a period of one year after the date
of manufacture or previous inspection. The date
of manufacture is marked on the serial number
plate. The first four digits of the serial number
show the year and week of manufacture. e.g.
0725 denotes that the tool was made in the year
2007 during week 25. A competent person must
make the inspection. The date of the inspection,
findings (if any), and the name and position of
the person carrying out the inspection must be re-
corded and retained for reference, in accordance
with local statutory requirements.
To prevent excessive wear, the Bearing Handling
Tool must be lubricated every six months. Apply
grease (multipurpose grease NLGI Class 2) where
the steel bands enter the handle.
Inspections / Certificates
The Bearing Handling Tool has been tested by
TÜV Product Service GmbH, in accordance with
an approved test programme. The test programme
is in accordance with the EN 13155:2009, test
specifications ZEK 01.2-08.
© simatec ag
Bearing Handling Tool