Inducti ve signal transmission system
Aft er applying the test signal, the control output must deacti vate. This change in switching state must be
evaluated by the primary machine control. If the test result is correct, the machine control then initi ates
the movement or the next work step. Otherwise, the controller must output an error message and prevent
a dangerous movement.
If the machine control detects an error fault in the safety device, the machine control must maintain a safe
state unti l the error is recti fi ed.
Without testi ng, the operati on of the device sati sfi es no specifi c safety requirement.
9. Connecti ng the safety contact edges
9.1 Connecti ng to the SPK 54 coil core (fi g. 1)
The travelling safety contact edges are connected to the
travelling coil core.
For this purpose, the travelling safety contact edge CLOSING
movement is connected to connecti on C of the travelling
coil core and the optional safety contact edge OPENING
movement is connected to connecti on O.
If a channel is not used, it must be connected to an 8.2 k
9.2 Connecti ng multi ple safety contact edges per sensor circuit (fi g. 2)
One or more safety contact edges can be connected to sensor input O or C. For this purpose, the individual
safety contact edges are connected in series according to fi gure 2.
Up to fi ve safety contact edges may be connected in series. The maximum total length oft the safety contact
edges shall not exceed 100 m. The length of one safety contact edge may be up to 25 m. The total cable length
oft the in series connected safety contact edges must not exceed 25 m.
Before connecti ng the safety contact edges that are connected in series, it is recommended that the resistance
value of the arrangement be measured.
The resistance must be 8.2 kΩ ± 500 Ω when the safety contact edge is inacti ve and must not exceed 500 Ω
when it is acti ve.
ASO safety contact edge must not be connected in parallel.
safety contact edge 1
Figure 1: Wiring of multi ple safety contact edges
safety contact edge 2
Figure 1: Connecti on at the coil core
safety contact edge „n"