Arrows inside the circle show in which time segments alarms occurred. Triangles on the left side of the display
indicate the detected alarm types. These triangles are arranged in two columns. The triangle in the left column
indicates the first detected alarm type, all later types are indicated in the right column. The definition of the
different alarm types is printed on the label, left of the display.
The total elapsed transport time from the first measurement until stopping the device is visible in the display
centre (this can be factory-deactivated upon customer request).
How can the stored measurement details be read? (History-Mode)
All stored data can be retrieved for at least six months after stopping the Q-tag
into the «History-Mode» by pressing and holding the START and simultaneously pressing the STOP button
Maximum, minimum and mean values of each segment (History-Mode)
The first time-segment and the «max» sign start flashing with the activation of the «History-Mode».
Additionally, a temperature is displayed in the LCD centre. This is the highest recorded temperature during the
first time segment.
The Q-tag
plus automatically falls back to the «Stop-Mode» if the START button is not pressed again within 60
seconds or immediately if the STOP button is pressed. Otherwise, with the next push to START the «max»
sign disappears and «min» flashes. The now-shown temperature in the LCD centre is the recorded minimum
during the blinking time segment.
Display after STOP, with alarms
and total elapsed transport time
plus. The device must be set
History-Mode: max. temperature
of the first time-segment