C O L O R A D O X T P O N T O O N B O A T O W N E R ' S M A N U A L
16. Attach the center storage bags.
To mount the bags to the pontoon float first find the three
sets of plastic hoops sewn into each long side of the bag
bottom. These mate up with rip-and-grip straps along the
tops of both pontoons.
Orient the storage bag on either pontoon so that the flap
of the top bag pocket, when open, folds outward or away
from the operator. Match up rip-and-grip tape on the
bottom of the bag to the rip-and-grip strips on the top of
the pontoon float and press together. Then thread the rip-
and-grip straps through the hoops on the bottom of the
bag to fully secure.
You can use both the bags on the boat at the same time
or only use one when using the stripping basket. You can
secure the other half of the bag in the wire cargo deck.
To use the bag as a shoulder tote, match up the sections
of rip-and-grip tape sewn on the back of each bag. Next,
find the rip-and-grip straps on the end of one bag and
thread through the corresponding loops on the end of the
other bag. Repeat with the other end. Finish by attaching
the shoulder strap to both ends of the completed bag.
17. Set up the oars and oar stops.
First, assemble the two piece oars. Align the holes so that the button
pops through the oar handle.
To set an oar in an oar lock, drop the thinnest section of the oar into the
oar lock. Slide the oar until the oar stop rests against the oar lock. The
oar stops are adjustable if desired.
*Helpful Hint : Oars do not need to be taken apart in order to place in the oar locks. You will find oar rests at the back of
the pontoon. These are useful for keeping the oars up and out of the way when they are not needed.
18. Attach the rod holder.
The rod holder may be placed in three different positions on
either the left or right oar lock frame. You can hold your rod to
the back (1), out to the side (2) or to the front (3). The rod holder
attaches with the clevis frame pins as in step 8.
To use the rod holder first unwrap the rip-and-grip strap on the
end. Put your rod in the holder butt end first then turn it to drop
the reel handle into the cutout on the side of the rod holder.
Keeping one hand on your rod use your other hand to wrap the
strap around the front of the reel to secure your rod in place in
the holder.
Bottom of
the bag shown
Match up rip-
and-grip strips
to attach
Close up view - loop the
rip-and-grip straps through
hoops to attach to pontoon
Hoops along both sides
Note: Boat
shown without
frame for clarity
Loop straps through hoops
To make the shoulder tote
Loop the rip-and-grip straps
through hoops to make the two
storage bags into a shoulder tote
oar stop