User Settings
The User Settings tab has four interfaces: Audio Settings, Taskbar Tips, and Enrollment. User settings
allow users to customize OmniPass to suit their individual preferences. Under User Settings (Audio
Settings and Taskbar Tips) you can set how OmniPass notifies the user of OmniPass events (e.g.,
successful login, access denied, etc.). The details of each setting under the Audio Settings and Taskbar
Tips interfaces are self-explanatory.
The Enrollment interface allows you to enroll fingerprints. For the procedure to enroll and authentication
device refer to Chapter 2.3. To enroll additional fingerprints, click Enroll Authentication Device, and
authenticate with OmniPass. Select the fingerprint recognition device in the Select Authentication
Device screen (it should already be marked by a green check if you have a finger enrolled) and click Next.
System Settings
The OmniPass Startup Options interface can be found in the System Settings tab. With these options you
can specify how your OmniPass Logon is tied to your Windows Logon.
The first option, Automatically log on to OmniPass as the current user, will do just as it says; during
Windows login, you will be logged on to OmniPass using your Windows login credentials. If the user
logging into Windows was never enrolled into OmniPass, upon login no one will be logged on to
OmniPass. This setting is appropriate for an office setting or any setting where users must enter a
username and password to log into a computer. This is the default setting.
With the second option, Manually log on to OmniPass at startup, OmniPass will prompt you to login
once you have logged on to Windows.
With the third option, Do not log on to OmniPass at startup, OmniPass will not prompt for a user to be
logged on.
You can manually log on to OmniPass by right-clicking the OmniPass taskbar icon and clicking Log in
User from the right-click menu.
185 - Appendix B: Fingerprint Sensor Device