On YOur ChOiCe tO PurChaSe
a BaBY CargO StrOller!
At Baby Cargo, we're both designers and parents like
you, which is why we are honored to welcome you into
our family.
In this manual, you will find our Easy Operating
Guide, our Basic Warranty, and Safety Notes.
Of course, you can always find the most up-to-date
information by logging on to our website:
Baby Cargo presents...
A few things to know before you stroll —
Please read these instructions and follow them
carefully before using your new stroller.
Please note: Your child's safety could be at risk
if you do not follow these instructions.
All manuals and user guides at
1. OPening the StrOller
• release Storage Clip.
• Open the stroller.
• Step down on the base lever
to set the primary lock and
begin strolling.
2. FOlding the StrOller
BeFOre FOlding:
If hood is attached, stow/roll it
back before you begin to fold.
Empty shopping bag completely.
Fasten the harness.
Be sure your stroller is
completely open and locked
before you stroll.
• use foot to lift up the
base lever, releasing
the primary lock.
• locate the side lever,
and step down on it to
continue folding.
• Grasp handles and push
forward to collapse.
• Fully close stroller and fasten
storage clip to secure.
100 SerieS
OwnerS Manual