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The quantities listed below are sufficient for approx. 12 Crêpes / Galettes.
Basic crêpe recipe
6 eggs
1 liter milk
500 g flour
3 tbsp oil (Cooking oil)
Whisk together the eggs and the milk. Add the flour and oil, then process everything into a smooth batter. Allow
the batter to stand for an hour.
Basic galette recipe
Galette is the savoury variant of a crêpe.
2 eggs
1 liter milk
500 g buckwheat flour
100 g wheat flour
100 g melted butter
300 ml water
Whisk together the eggs, the milk and the water. Blend the two flours together and add a pinch of salt. Mix the
flour with the fluids. Add the cooled and melted butter, then process everything into a smooth batter. Allow the
batter to stand for an hour.
Crêpes with sugar and lemon
Basic crêpe recipe
Crystal sugar
3 Lemons
Bake the crêpe for approx. 1 minute with the setting MAX. Turn the crêpe and bake it for approx. 2 minutes.
Take the crêpe from the baking plate and lay it on a flat plate. Sprinkle it with sugar and drizzle it with lemon
Fold the crêpe together to make a square-shaped "bag". Serve the crêpe.
Crêpes Normandy style
Basic crêpe recipe
1 kg apples
100 g butter
300 g sugar
150 ml Calvados
250 g crème fraîche