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covered by the warranty or that the product is not defective, the customer will reimburse Wacom for associated costs.
This limited warranty shall apply if the registered offi ce of the vendor is situated in the EU or Iceland, Norway, Jersey,
Switzerland, Russia, the Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia, Tunisia, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Egypt, the United Arab
Emirates, Iran or South Africa.
This warranty is subject to German law. However, the applicability of the United Nations
Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is explicitly excluded. The city of Krefeld, Germany, is the sole
place of jurisdiction for all claims arising from this contractual relationship and all disputes between the parties resulting
from the formation, handling or termination of the contractual relationship, provided that the customer is a trader, a legal
entity or fund under public law. The jurisdiction agreement shall also apply for customers who do not have a general place
of jurisdiction in Germany. The jurisdiction agreement shall not apply if, due to legal provisions, a different sole place of
jurisdiction must be established for the case.