If the need rises to exercise the rights conceded to you through this warranty, contact
the Prozis customer service via the communication channels provided on the Prozis
website, and follow the provided instructions or recommendations. Contact and
technical assistance information is also provided at the end of this warranty.
Any claims made regarding this warranty will only be valid if proof of purchase is
presented by the original customer. This proof of purchase may be original invoice
or receipt, as long as it includes information regarding the date of purchase and the
product's model name.
Any repairs made under this warranty cannot be made by third parties. This warranty
does not apply to any repairs, or damage caused directly by such repairs, that have
impacted or caused the damage that is the subject of the respective warranty claim.
The following situations are not covered by this warranty:
Any wear and tear of parts and components resulting from normal product use.
Cracks, dents, scratches, and other types of superficial damage that only affect the
product's appearance.
Any malfunction caused by inappropriate use of the product that does not comply
with user manual instructions.
Use and storage of the product not complying with user manual instructions.
Opening of the product by a third party who is not authorized to proceed to its
Altering or changing parts or components, whether internal or external.
Damage caused by battery leakage resulting from the breaking of any of its
components, or from product misuse.
Malfunction or damage due to reasons that cannot be ascribed to the production
or design of the product.
Use of the product in the context of a business, occupation or commerce.
10. Malfunction due to use that does not comply with the technical or security norms
in force, or with user manual instructions.
The services provided by Prozis in order to repair or fix any fault or malfunction
resulting from the verification of any of the aforementioned excluded situations will be
subject to payment of labor, transport and component costs.
The customer shall bear all risks of loss and damage to the product during transpor-
tation to Prozis. This warranty will be void if the returned product arrives with labels or
stickers that have been removed, damaged, tampered with or modified in any way.
Prozis cannot be held responsible for indirect damage or loss due to usage of the
All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
To request warranty service, you must first contact Prozis customer service via the
communication channels provided on the Prozis website, and follow the provided
instructions and recommendations.
Send back the product inside its original packaging, including all accessories and
documentation, to the following address:
Rua do Cais nº 198
4830-345 Póvoa de Lanhoso
Braga - Portugal
Prozis is always available for additional clarification through their customer service
communication channel at www.prozis.com/support
Prozis est une marque déposée de PROZIS.COM, S.A.
Prozis se réserve le droit, à tout moment et sans préavis, d'ajuster ou de modifier
le produit ou toute documentation associée afin de s'assurer de l'adéquation pour
l'utilisation prévue.
La version la plus récente du présent document, qui peut contenir de tels ajustements
ou modifications, peut être consultée sur www.prozis.com/user-manuals
Déclaration de conformité légale
Par le présent document, Prozis déclare que les Écouteurs sans Fil Airia
sont entièrement conformes à toutes les normes spécifiées dans la
législation applicable ainsi qu'aux autres clauses pertinentes.
Prozis sera toujours disponible pour toute explication supplémentaire par le biais des
canaux de communication du service clients, disponibles sur www.prozis.com/support
Afin d'éviter tout impact sur l'environnement ou la santé humaine en raison
des substances dangereuses présentes dans les appareils électriques et
électroniques, les utilisateurs finaux respectifs doivent comprendre la
signification du symbole représentant une poubelle barrée. Ne pas jeter
les appareils électriques et électroniques dans les ordures ménagères non
triées, mais plutôt séparément et de façon convenable.
L'emballage qui protège l'appareil contre les dommages dus au transport
est constitué de matériaux non polluants qui peuvent être déposés dans
des conteneurs de recyclage locaux.