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All manuals and user guides at ® Art.Nr. 30401...
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All manuals and user guides at ® Art.Nr. 30401...
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All manuals and user guides at ® Inhalt: 86 Original Baufix Bauteile Contents: 86 Original Baufix components Art.Nr. 30401...
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All manuals and user guides at ® Baufix - Spielen mit Holz ist eine natürliche Sache! Playing with wood is very natural! 30202 30302 Gelände-Buggy Cruiser Cross-country Buggy Art.Nr. 30401...
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All manuals and user guides at ® f t INStruCtION BOOKlet C IStruZIONI D‘uSO h HASZNálAtI utASítáS Please read this manual carefully and Leggere attentamente il manuale d‘uso e Kérjük olvassa el figyelmesen a használati keep it for future reference. conservarlo per future referenze utasítást és őrizze meg, mert a jövıben SAFetY NOtICeS:...
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Herstellergarantie Manufacturer‘s Warrantee Alle Baufix Bauteile werden einer sorgfältigen Prüfung unter- All Baufix products are warranteed to be free from manu- zogen. Sollten dennoch Fehler auftreten, gelten folgende Ga- facturing and product defects for up to 24 months. Should rantie-Bedingungen: a manufacturing or production defect be discovered please return the product to us.
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All manuals and user guides at ® Mehr Infos über die große BAuFIX-Welt bekommen Sie unter...