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SPECIFICATIONS All manuals and user guides at GENERAL: SKILLER MECH SGK3 RED SKILLER MECH SGK3 BROWN SKILLER MECH SGK3 BLUE Type Gaming Keyboard Gaming Keyboard Gaming Keyboard Switch Technology Mechanical (Kailh Red) Mechanical (Kailh Brown) Mechanical (Kailh Blue) ...
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All manuals and user guides at KEY PROPERTIES: SKILLER MECH SGK3 RED SKILLER MECH SGK3 BROWN SKILLER MECH SGK3 BLUE Function Keys With Preset Multimedia Actions Anti-Ghosting Keys N-Key Rollover Support ...
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Function Keys with Preset Multimedia Actions N-key Rollover, All manuals and user guides at changeable to 6-key Rollover Media Player Play/Pause N-key Rollover/ 6-key Rollover Volume Down Next Track Arrow Keys Functions are Interchangeable with the WASD Section Volume Up E-mail Changes WASD Mute...
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Funktionstasten mit voreingestellten Multimedia-Aktionen N-Key-Rollover, All manuals and user guides at umschaltbar auf 6-Key-Rollover Mediaplayer Play/Pause N-Key Rollover/ 6-Key Rollover Lautstärke - Nächster Titel Austauschbare Funktion der Pfeiltasten mit WASD-Sektion Lautstärke + E-Mail Funktion WASD und Stumm Webbrowser Pfeiltasten austauschen Stopp Taschenrechner Tastensperre...
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Touches de fonction avec des actions multimédia prédéfinies Frappe de coulée N touches, modifiable All manuals and user guides at en frappe de coulée 6 touches Lecteur média Lecture/Arrêt Frappe de coulée N touches / Frappe de coulée 6 touches Volume - Titre suivant Fonctions des touches directionnelles...
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Tasti funzione con azioni multimediali predeterminate N-Key Rollover, All manuals and user guides at modificabile a 6-Key Rollover Media Player Play/Pausa Supporta N-Key Rollover / Supporta 6-Key Rollover Diminuire il volume Traccia successiva I tasti WASD possono essere intercambiati Aumentare il volume E-mail in tasti freccia e viceversa...
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Funciones de tecla con acciones multimedia predeterminadas N-Key Rollover, All manuals and user guides at modificable a 6-Key Rollover Media Player Play/Pause N-Key Rollover / 6-Key Rollover Bajar el volumen Siguiente pista Las funciones de las teclas con flecha se Subir el volumen Correo pueden intercambiar con la sección WASD...
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Teclas de função com ações multimídia predefinidas N-Key Rollover, All manuals and user guides at modificável para 6-Key Rollover Media Player Play/Pause N-Key Rollover/ 6-Key Rollover Abaixar volume Próxima faixa As funções de teclas seta são intercámbiaveis com as teclas WASD Aumentar volume E-mail Alterar WASD...
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Functietoetsen met vooringestelde multimedia acties N-Key Rollover, All manuals and user guides at aanpasbaar naar 6-Key Rollover Mediaspeler Afspelen/Pauzeren N-Key Rollover 6-Key Rollover Volume - Volgend nummer Functies van de pijltjestoetsen Volume + E-mail en ZQSD-toetsen omwisselen ZQSD en pijltjestoetsen Dempen Webbrowser...
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Удобные клавиши с предустановленными функциями управления мультимедиа Возможность переключения All manuals and user guides at с N-key rollover на 6-key rollover Медиаплеер Воспроизведение/Пауза N-key Rollover/ 6-key Rollover Звук тише Следующая песня Клавиши стрелок могут быть Звук громче Адрес электронной почты переназначены...