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Package Contents 1 UH3239 Multiport Mini Dock with Power Pass-Through 1 user instructions Contents English Français Deutsch Español Italiano Русский Українська Português Türkçe Polski Română 日本語 한국어 简体中文 繁體中文 Scan for more information Support and Documentation Notice All information, documentation, firmware, software...
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UH3239 USB-C Multiport Mini Dock with Power Pass-Through Hardware Overview HDMI output port Micro SD card slot SD card slot USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-A ports USB-C DC-in port* (supports USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-C port data transfer) Note: 1. Additional USB-C PD power adapter is needed.
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Check USB charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3239. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Connect a USB-C PD power adapter to the USB-C DC-in port.
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Mini Dock Multiport USB-C UH3239 avec Alimentation Indirecte Présentation du matériel Port de Sortie HDMI Fente pour Carte Micro SD Fente pour Carte SD Ports USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-A Port d’entrée-CC USB-C* (supporte le transfert de données via port USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-C) Remarque : 1.Un adaptateur électrique USB-C PD supplémentaire est requis.
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Check USB charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3239. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Connectez un adaptateur électrique USB-C PD au port d’entrée-CC USB-C.
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UH3239 USB-C Multiport Mini Dock mit Strom Passthrough Hardware Übersicht HDMI Ausgang Micro-SD-Kartensteckplatz SD-Kartensteckplatz USB 3.2 Gen1 Typ-A Ports USB-C DC-Eingang Port* (unterstützt USB 3.2 Gen1 Typ-C Port Datenübertragung) Hinweis: 1.Zusätzliches USB-C PD Netzteil ist erforderlich. 2.Bitte verwenden Sie ein PD Netzteil mit Limited Power Source (LPS) Zertifizierung, über 65 W wird empfohlen.
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Check USB charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3239. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Schließen Sie ein USB-C PD Netzteil an den USB-C DC-Eingang Port an.
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UH3239 Base mini multipuerto USB-C con transferencia de energía Revisión del hardware Puerto de salida HDMI Ranura para tarjeta Micro SD Ranura para tarjeta SD Puertos USB 3.2 Gen1 Tipo A Puerto de entrada de CC USB-C* (soporta la transferencia de datos del puerto USB 3.2 Gen1 Tipo C)
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Check USB charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3239. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Conecte un adaptador de corriente USB-C PD al puerto de entrada de CC USB-C.
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UH3239 Mini dock multiporta USB-C con pass-through di alimentazione Revisione Hardware Porta di uscita HDMI Inserto per scheda Micro SD Inserto per scheda SD Porte USB 3.2 Gen1 di tipo A Porta USB-C DC-in * (supporta il trasferimento dati della porta USB 3.2 Gen1 di tipo C)
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Check USB charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3239. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Collegare un adattatore di alimentazione USB-C PD alla porta USB-C DC-in.(Opzionale) È...
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Многопортовая мини док-станция UH3239 с интерфейсом USB-C и функцией сквозной передачи питания Обзор оборудования Порт HDMI (выход) Слот для Micro SD-карты Слот для SD-карты Порты USB 3.2 Gen1 Type -A Порт USB-C DC-in* (поддерживает передачу данных через порт USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-C) Примечание:...
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Check USB charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3239. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Подключите адаптер питания USB-C PD к порту USB-C DC- in.
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Міні док-станція UH3239 з кількома портами USB-C та подачею живлення Огляд обладнання Порт виходу HDMI Слот карти пам’яті Micro SD Слот карти пам’яті SD Порти USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-A Порт входу постійного струму USB-C* (підтримує передавання даних через порт USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-C) Примітка:...
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Check USB charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3239. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Під’єднайте адаптер живлення USB-C до порту входу постійного струму USB-C. (Додатково) Ви можете підключати...
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Base de ancoragem multiportas USB-C UH3239 com Carregamento Direto Revisão do Hardware Porta de saída HDMI Ranhura para Cartão Micro SD Ranhura para Cartão SD Portas USB 3.2 Gen 1 Tipo A Porta* USB-C DC-in (suporta transferência de dados porta USB 3.2 Gen1 Tipo C)
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Check USB charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3239. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Ligue um adaptador USB-C PD à porta USB-C DC-In. (Opcional) Pode conectar aqui dispositivos periféricos USB.
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UH3239 USB-C Güç Geçişli Çoklu Bağlantı Noktası Dock Donanım İncelemesi HDMI Çıkışı Mikro SD Kart Yuvası SD Kart Yuvası USB 3.2 Nesil 1 Tip A Bağlantı Noktaları USB-C DC Giriş Bağlantı Noktası* (USB 3.2 Nesil 1 Tip-C Bağlantı Noktası veri transferini destekler) Not: 1.
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Check USB charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3239. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. USB-C DC Giriş Bağlantı Noktasına bir USB-C PD güç...
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Wieloportowa mini stacja dokująca UH3239 USB-C z funkcją tranzytu zasilania Przegląd sprzętu Port wyjściowy HDMI Gniazdo karty Micro SD Gniazdo karty SD Porty USB 3.2 Gen1 Typ A Port DC-in USB-C* (obsługuje transfer danych USB 3.2 Gen1 Typ C) Uwaga: 1.
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Check USB charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3239. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Należy podłączyć zasilacz PD USB-C do portu DC-in USB-C .
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Mini-stație de andocare multiport USB-C UH3239 cu alimentare directă Prezentare hardware Port ieșire HDMI Slot card microSD Slot card SD Porturi USB 3.2 Gen1 tip A Port de intrare c.c. USB-C* (acceptă porturi pentru transfer de date USB 3.2 Gen1 tip C) Notă:...
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Check USB charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3239. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. Conectați un adaptor de alimentare PD USB-C la portul de intrare c.c.
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Check USB charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3239. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. USB-C PD 電源アダプターを USB-C DC 入力ポートに接続して くだ さい。 ( オプション) ここに USB 周辺機器を接続できます。...
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UH3239 6- 포트 USB-C 도킹스테이션 ( 충전 포트 내장 ) 하드웨어 리뷰 HDMI 출력 포트 Micro SD 카드 슬롯 SD 카드 슬롯 USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-A 포트 USB-C DC 입력 포트 *(USB 3.2 Gen1 Type-C 포트 데이터 전송 지 원 ) 주의...
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Check USB charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3239. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. USB-C PD 전원 어댑터를 USB-C DC 입력 포트에 연결합니다 . ( 선택...
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Check USB charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3239. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. 将 USB-C PD 电源适配器连接到 USB-C DC 电源输入端口。 ( 可选)...
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Check USB charge rate of your laptop* The total charging time may vary depending on the devices connected to the UH3239. *USB-C PD power adapter is not included in the package. 將 USB-C PD 電源變壓器連接到 USB-C DC 電源輸入埠 。 (選擇性...